September 23, 2004

Don’t Believe the ‘FahrenHYPE’

There’s a new anti-Michael Moore documentary coming out called “FahrenHYPE 9/11,” seeking to “rebut” Fat Fat Fatty’s celebrated film point-by-point. Call it the right-wing version of “Outfoxed”- a quickie, direct-to-video attempt to shoot down a beloved icon of the opposite party- although ‘FahrenHYPE’ apparently trades in the earlier film’s seventh-grade-AV-Club-level production values for some actual star power.

I’m of two minds about the film- one, it’s Michael Moore-bashing, a pastime I indulge in frequently myself, not to mention that Ron Silver* is prominently involved as well. But on the other hand, ‘Fahrenhype’ also makes room for quite a few people I absolutely can’t stand- namely Zell Miller, Ann Coulter, and Dick Morris.

The film’s website describes Morris, its narrator, as “the man Time has called ‘the most influential private citizen in America.’” What the site doesn’t mention is that Time said that about Morris eight years ago, when he worked for the president. And nevermind that when Morris appeared on Time’s cover again the following week, it was to report his infamous hooker scandal. If this is the type of honestly we can expect from this film, I’m not so sure I want to see it after all.

Another reason not to see it? A press release heralding the film has Dick Morris referencing former heavyweight champion “Joe Lewis.”

(*Did you catch Ron on the “Law & Order” season premiere last night? I’m sure the neocon actor had tons of fun playing a Ron Kuby-like lefty lawyer trying to get a Muslim woman acquitted of killing a U.S. soldier. Not a bad performance, especially not from a guy who in his last TV appearance was seen arguing about the 1940 election with a sock-puppet dog. And while I’m already comfortable with Dennis Farina as the new cop, it wasn’t the greatest episode otherwise- the dialogue consisted almost entirely of Abu Ghraib-related speeches that I’ve already heard, word for word, hundreds of times, and there’s no way a U.S. military commander would ever take the stand in open court and defend torture. A cameo by the odious Mayor Bloomberg didn’t help matters either.

At any rate, I’m looking forward to Elizabeth Rohm’s midseason departure- she may be the worst actress on any primetime TV show. I read somewhere that they’re letting her out of her contract in order to concentrate on her “fledgling movie career”- which is funny, because other than an uncredited appearance in “Deconstructing Harry” seven years ago, Rohm has never appeared in a single theatrical feature.)

UPDATE: There’s also another anti-Moore rebuttal film called, I shit you not, “CELSIUS 41.11 - THE TEMPERATURE AT WHICH THE BRAIN BEGINS TO DIE.” Yikes.

Posted by Stephen Silver at September 23, 2004 06:20 PM

You are dead on about that L&O premiere. At many points it felt like the script was lifted straight out of some blog's comment section. Too bad, because it was an interesting story and I would have liked to have seen the relationship between the Iraqi woman and her American husband explored more. That seemed like fertile ground for some intrigue.

Ever since Fred Thompson joined the cast as the DA, it seems as if the L&0 writers have increasingly used the prosecutor's office strategy sessions to conduct lame debates on contemporary political issues (with each character playing out a painfully caricatured version of one side of the argument du jour). What has happened to the clever cops and prosecutors show I came to enjoy? Oh yeah, it's moved to HBO and now calls itself "The Wire"

Posted by: Krybo Amgine at September 24, 2004 09:59 AM

This post was just to prove you're still a Democrat, right?

Posted by: Karol at September 26, 2004 12:29 AM

This post was just to prove you're still a Democrat, right?

Yes, Karol. This, and every other.

Posted by: Stephen Silver at September 26, 2004 02:13 AM

I think it's cool that Ron Silver is able to juggle this stuff with his continuing search for Heat Vision & Jack.

Posted by: Jim Treacher at September 26, 2004 02:15 AM

Fat Fat Fatty?

You just lost all credibility with this post in the first line of your diatribe.

At least Michael Moore is able to give his opinion without childish name calling.


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